The Only Way Out is Through

Caitlin Houston
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


A Mantra is a way to protect the mind. I have many mantras, but one of my favorite mantras is a quote by Robert Frost. Throughout my adventures in motherhood and mental health journey, I often repeat “The only way out is through.”

The Only Way Out is Through CHB Mantra for Motherhood and  Life

The Only Way Out is Through

In an instant — every thing can change.

It was spilled breastmilk, a tough morning trying to out the door, a call from the school teacher when it dawned on me. Motherhood is hard — it’s the real deal — and I’m in it for the long haul.

But there is always another moment, not soon after the bad, that changes everything again. A spontaneous hug from my toddler, a smile from my sullen seven year old, or an umprompted “Thank you Mommy” from my ten year old. Those little moments set forth an unshakable reminder, a whisper straight to the my heart saying IT’S GOING TO BE OKAY. I have to remember the good outweighs the bad (on most days). And if we are being honest, there’s rarely any “bad” — it’s just the unbeautiful and imperfect parts of motherhood.

The Only Way Out is Through CHB Mantra for Motherhood and  Life

My Mantra for Motherhood (and life!)

A Mantra is a way to protect the mind. A Mantra can be a sound, a syllable, or a phrase to aid concentration in meditation. Mantras can be used in many different ways — for me, I not only use them during shavasana in yoga — but also when I need to stay grounded.

Nothing is ever going to be perfect. Forget Motherhood — LIFE is messy. Marriage, relationships, jobs — they are all complicated and unpredictable. But at the same time, there is love to be found once you break through difficult times. I am a repeater of, “The Only Way Out is Through” when I feel caught in the storm of life. My best advice to any parent — truly any human — is to find a way you can stay grounded during distressing times. A Mantra is a great place to start.

Whenever you’re feeling down, try to remind yourself the only way out is through. Just put one foot in front of the other, find a little glimmer of joy, and hold on to it tight. That love and light will bring you out of the darkness.

By good rights I ought not to have so much
Put on me, but there seems no other way.
Len says one steady pull more ought to do it.
He says the best way out is always through.
And I agree to that, or in so far
As that I can see no way out but through–
Leastways for me–and then they’ll be convinced.

“A Servant to Servants” — Robert Frost



Caitlin Houston
Caitlin Houston

Written by Caitlin Houston

Caitlin Houston is a mom of three and creator of Caitlin Houston Blog.

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